Sponsorship– CAP 2024 Toronto


The earlier you register and select a sponsorship level, the better your choice of table location. Premium and Prime table locations are available with higher sponsorship levels and are limited in number.

Conference sponsorship levels – Pricing

We have three conference sponsorship levels available – Silver, Gold, & Platinum. Each level is outlined below.

Please note: All sponsors will need to have all invoices and registration completed before setting up at our conference event location. Registration deadline for all sponsors is March 22, 2024.

Platinum Level Conference Sponsorship – $6000

All the features of Gold Level – PLUS the following:

  • One (1) additional – 6-foot table (if required) in a premium location beside the keynote session and breakout rooms in the main lobby of the conference event location.
  • Company name, logo, and website link on conference website for six (6) months
  • Two (2) additional conference access passes to all keynote and concurrent sessions (which includes day meals and coffee breaks for all 3 days of the conference)
  • Two (2) tickets to the 2024 CAP Reception – CAP 2024 organizing committee host social  
  • Two (2) additional access passes to the CAP President’s Reception
  • Recognition of sponsorship at the conference opening and closing ceremonies
  • Meet and Greet Opportunities in hospitality room – April 23rd and 24th evenings 

Gold Level Conference Sponsorship – $3000

All the features of Silver Level – PLUS the following:

  • 6-foot table (if required) within 8-foot x 8-foot space in a prime location to conference keynote & breakout rooms
  • Company name, logo, and website link on conference website for four (4) months
  • Recognition of sponsorship in conference program and signage
  • Recognition of sponsorship during large group events and during concurrent sessions
  • Recognition of sponsorship of a coffee break or lunch, or prime event
  • One (1) additional conference access pass to all keynote and concurrent sessions (which includes day meals and coffee breaks for all 3 days of the conference)
  • One (1) access pass to the CAP President’s Reception

Silver Level Conference Sponsorship – $1500

Features the following:

  • 6-foot table (if required) within 8-foot x 8-foot space, including covering apron and drapery, 2 chairs, and wireless network access
  • Company name, logo, and website link on conference website for two (2) months
  • Items placed in participants welcome “swag” bag
  • One (1) conference access pass to all keynote and concurrent speakers (which includes meals and coffee breaks for all 3 days of the conference)

For more information or to confirm your sponsorship, contact: 
Donna Billey – 204-802-7549 – donna@mzpinc.ca
Kyran Dwyer – (709) 746 4231 – capconference2024@gmail.com
Jeff Johnson –  (780) 934 7460 – leadershipfor21c@me.com