The Canadian Association of Principals encourages and supports Educational Research.
This publication represents the second part of a major two-part research initiative examining the key critical influences shaping the work of school leaders across Canada. The impetus for this research was The Future of the Principalship in Canada: A National Research Study (Canadian Association of Principals [CAP] and Alberta Teachers’ Association [ATA] 2014). The study concluded that school leadership is rewarding with high levels of job satisfaction, but global shifts are fundamentally reshaping the work of school leaders, who are at the forefront of sustaining the foundation of this country: a good public school education for all. See summary infographic [2]. (COOR-101-13, 2017 07, 68 pp)
A National Study of the Impact of Electronic Communication on Canadian School Leaders [3]
This study represents the first instalment of a two-part study examining critical influences shaping the work lives of school leaders across Canada. The impetus for this work was The Future of the Principalship in Canada: A National Study (Alberta Teachers’ Association 2014b), which revealed that, while the principalship is rewarding with high levels of job satisfaction, growing complexities and expectations make this an increasingly challenging career. See summary infographic [4].
(COOR-104, 2017 04, 88 pp)
The Future of the Principalship in Canada: A National Study [5]
This publication identifies and examines the trends that will shape the work of Canada’s school leaders. Five hundred principals from across Canada participated in this study, which was a joint undertaking of the Alberta Teachers’ Association and the Canadian Association of Principals. (COOR-100ext 2014 07, 147 pp)