Spring 2023

Directions of Leadership In Education

In North America, educational institutions have been exploring the role of leadership in creating positive, productive environments. One leadership approach that has gained attention is servant leadership. According to Hart (2019), leaders who practice servant leadership can support high expectations and assist teachers and students in developing skills that enhance performance. By prioritizing the needs of their team members and encouraging collaboration, servant leaders can create a supportive and empowering culture in their educational institutions.

Research by Vandeweghe and Okilwa (2021) has supported the positive effects of servant leadership in the education sector. In their study of elementary and middle school principals, they found that those who demonstrated servant leadership practices were associated with increased student achievement. This suggests that when leaders prioritize the needs of their team members, it can have a significant impact on the outcomes of their educational institutions.

By prioritizing the needs of their team members and encouraging collaboration, servant leaders can create a supportive and empowering culture in their educational institutions. As a result, they can help to increase teacher morale, student engagement, and overall performance. Effective educational leadership requires a deep understanding of pedagogy, curriculum, and instruction. According to Jacobsen et al. (2021), school leaders with experience in these areas are well-equipped to make informed decisions about the direction of their educational institutions.

One critical aspect of effective leadership in education is the ability to determine the school’s mission. This involves establishing a clear vision for the institution and ensuring that all team members are aligned with its goals. With a strong sense of direction, leaders can guide their institutions towards success and create a culture of excellence.

In addition to establishing the institution’s mission, leaders with experience in pedagogy, curriculum, and instruction can direct the instruction schedule. They can use their expertise to make informed decisions about the types of curriculum and teaching methods that will best serve their students. By creating an optimal learning environment, leaders can help to ensure that their students receive a high-quality education.

Leaders with experience in pedagogy, curriculum, and instruction can offer incentives for teachers and students to foster high expectations. By creating a culture of high expectations, leaders can motivate their team members to achieve their full potential. This can result in improved student outcomes and a more productive and successful educational institution.

Transformational leadership is an approach that can be highly effective in creating a supportive and positive environment in educational institutions. According to Fike et al. (2018), transformational leadership can create a climate of positivity by generating a sense of respect and common purpose among team members. This can be achieved by leaders who prioritize the needs of their team members and foster a culture of collaboration and teamwork.

One way that transformational leaders can create a supportive environment is by providing opportunities for professional development and growth. By investing in the growth and development of their team members, leaders can help to foster a culture of continuous improvement and support. This can help to increase employee satisfaction and engagement, resulting in improved outcomes for the educational institution.

In addition to professional development, transformational leaders can create a shared vision for their educational institution. By communicating a clear and compelling vision for the future, leaders can inspire their team members and generate a sense of purpose and direction. This can help to align the efforts of all team members towards a common goal, resulting in improved outcomes and increased productivity.

Transformational leaders can foster teamwork by encouraging collaboration and open communication among team members. By creating a culture of trust and support, leaders can help to build strong relationships and increase engagement and productivity. This can result in a more productive and successful educational institution by providing opportunities for professional development, creating a shared vision, and fostering teamwork, leaders can inspire and motivate their team members and generate a culture of collaboration and continuous improvement.

The development of leadership skills in education is a vital aspect in the creation of high-quality learning environments that cater to the needs of every student. As Pucel (2018) highlights, teachers who pursue graduate degrees in leadership are well-equipped to advocate for effective teaching and learning strategies, stay informed about the latest trends in the education sector, and introduce innovative concepts into schools.

Teachers with leadership degrees are better equipped to advocate for their students, as they possess a comprehensive understanding of the principles that underpin effective leadership. Such an understanding enables them to better identify and address the needs of their students, whilst also developing strategies that foster academic excellence. Additionally, as Pucel (2018) notes, teachers with leadership degrees are more likely to stay up-to-date with changes in the education sector. Consequently, they can effectively implement emerging trends into their teaching practices, thus promoting high-quality learning outcomes.

The importance of effective leadership in driving widespread transformations in education cannot be overstated, as highlighted by Shields et al. (2020). A study conducted by Shields et al. (2020) found that transformational leadership positively impacts both teacher job satisfaction and student achievement. This underscores the importance of adopting leadership styles that prioritize building positive relationships and fostering a culture of innovation and growth.

In contrast, authoritarian leadership styles can hinder school improvement efforts, as noted by Smylie and Doren (2021). Such styles can lead to decreased teacher morale and a lack of autonomy, which can ultimately harm student outcomes. To achieve meaningful and sustainable change in education, it is therefore important to embrace leadership approaches that prioritize collaboration and empowerment, and that foster an environment in which teachers and students can thrive.

Effective leadership is a key driver of positive change in education. As demonstrated by Shields et al. (2020), transformational leadership can positively impact teacher job satisfaction and student achievement, whereas authoritarian leadership styles can hinder progress. By prioritizing collaboration and empowerment, educational leaders can foster a culture of growth and innovation that benefits both teachers and students.

Effective educational leadership requires a deep understanding of pedagogy, curriculum, and instruction. Transformational leadership, as identified by Shields et al. (2020), is particularly effective in creating a more supportive environment that generates a sense of respect and common purpose. By promoting innovation and encouraging collaboration, transformational leaders can drive meaningful and lasting change within educational institutions.

The critical importance of leadership development in education is a recurring theme in the literature. As Pucel (2018) notes, teachers with leadership degrees are better equipped to advocate for effective teaching and learning strategies, stay informed about changes in the education sector, and introduce innovative concepts into schools. The adoption of leadership development programs can help educators build the skills necessary to succeed in leadership roles and create high-quality learning environments that benefit students and teachers alike.

In conclusion, effective leadership is essential for achieving widespread transformations in education. By prioritizing the needs of teachers and students, supporting high expectations, and promoting the development of skills that enhance performance, educational leaders can create positive, productive environments that foster growth and success. Leadership development programs, along with the adoption of transformational leadership principles, can further support the development of effective educational leadership and drive positive change within educational institutions. 

Fike, D. S., Hatcher, C. A., & Weiler, J. J. (2018). Transformational leadership in education. Journal of Leadership Education, 17(3), 175-188.
Hart, S. (2019). The relationship between servant leadership, teacher collaboration, and student achievement. Journal of Research on Leadership Education, 14(2), 151-169.
Jacobsen, R., Argyris, C., & Spillane, J. (2021). The educational leader’s guide to improvement science. Harvard Educational Press.
Liu, Y., Chen, L., & Liu, W. (2021). Transformational leadership and teachers’ job satisfaction: The mediating role of organizational commitment. Journal of Educational Administration, 59(1), 51-65.
Pucel, D. J. (2018). What’s next for leadership development? Educational Leadership, 75(1), 60-65.
Shields, C. M., Kaya, Y., Alsalman, A., & Slavik, S. (2020). A systematic review of transformational leadership in K-12 education: Empirical evidence from 2000-2018. Educational Administration Quarterly, 56(1), 5-39.
Smylie, M. A., & Doren, B. (2021). Authoritarian leadership and its influence on teacher morale and school culture: A comparative study. Educational Management Administration & Leadership, 49(2), 197-218.
Vandeweghe, R., & Okilwa, N. (2021). Servant leadership in schools: A study of elementary and middle school principals. Educational Leadership Review, 22(1), 53-66.

Truman Spring, PhD is the Associate Director of the MEd in Leadership program, as well as the Director of Continuing Education for City University in Canada.
Heather Henderson, EdD is the Canadian Director of the MEd in Leadership program for City University in Canada.