Administrators from across the country joined an energetic organizing committee on Prince Edward Island for the National CAP conference in May 2023. With inspiring keynote speakers, thought-provoking concurrent sessions, and many opportunities to network with other administrators, our conference was a huge success!
CAP PEI 2023 was several years in the making, throughout the pandemic, endemic, and a hurricane that caused a great deal of damage. We all needed something to look forward to, and this conference fit the bill! Hosted in downtown Charlottetown, we were fortunate to have great weather, a beautiful venue, and lots of eager delegates.
Our call for presenters resulted in a wide variety of topics – there certainly was something for everyone. Concurrent sessions provided conference delegates with practical strategies, insightful research, and motivational ‘food for thought’. Keynote speakers John Morrison, Richard Gerver, and Dr. Jody Carrington used their expertise and humour to bring clarity to the vital role administrators have in our country.
As with any conference, the opportunity to network and socialize with our provincial, regional, and national colleagues is invaluable. Table conversations during sessions, chats during lunch break, and the evening festivities left delegates with a renewed sense of camaraderie and purpose. Feedback was plentiful and positive – our committee was thrilled!
We have many people to thank for the success of CAP PEI 2023: Co-Chairs KJ White and Donald Mulligan for their vision and guidance; our organizing committee for the countless hours spent creating this amazing event; Island administrators for volunteering to welcome and thank presenters and any behind the scenes tasks; and all delegates for participating in CAP PEI 2023!
If you enjoyed the 2023 National Conference, or if you’re disappointed you missed it, please join us for the 2024 National CAP Conference in Toronto in April! See you then!